Burning Bush Blogs

Equipping Men with Biblical Knowledge and Leadership Skills

Category: Group Study

Thread: Meanest Women of the Bible

Post Topic: Gomer and Hosea

Post in Thread: #6

Scripture: Hosea 3:1-5

Key Verse:
The Lord said to me, “Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another man and is an adulteress. Love her as the Lord loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes.

Hosea 3:1



  • Hosea was one of the minor prophets who lived during the time of the Assyrian empire.
  • At the beginning of the book of Hosea, in Hosea 1:2-3, God told Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman, probably a prostitute.
  • He married Gomer, who bore him several children.


  • God told Hosea to warn Israel of impending judgment because of their unfaithfulness.
  • Gomer was meant to symbolize the Israelites unfaithfulness to God.
  • Gomer left Hosea’s house for a relationship with another man.
  • God commanded Hosea to rescue Gomer from the consequences of her unfaithfulness.
  • Hosea urged Gomer to remain faithful to him as he would be to her.
  • Verse 2 says Hosea brought her back for 15 silver shekels and some barley.
Arab Woman (ca. 1905–1906) John
  • Why did God tell a good man like Hosea to marry a woman of ill repute?
  • Gomer didn’t kill anyone like Jezebel. Do you agree with classifying her under the category of one of the “meanest” women of the Bible?
    • What would cause her to leave the stable home and love of Hosea?
    • What excuses might she have spewed when he chastised her unfaithfulness?
  • Why did Hosea have to buy Gomer back if she was already his wife and had bore him children? Who was he buying her back from?

Bible study methodology adapted from Searching the Scriptures with permission from Tyndale House:

Swindoll, Charles, Searching the Scriptures. Tyndale House Publishers, 2016.

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