Action-packed stories for good men who need a good God.

Seven Unforgettable Stories

A few excerpts:

Others before me had tried and failed with the grandmother. Failed miserably. But I found the grandmother’s weak spot. The girl. 
It seemed too easy. A single wagon on a remote trail, guarded by only two Roman soldiers on horseback. Zamir scanned the valley below, but nothing moved. The middle of the day proved too sticky for even the smallest of creatures. Only the steady creaking of the wheels over the stones and dirt, and the clopping of the hooves cut through the heavy air.
Barukh locked eyes with Rebecca before following Saul’s men. He could read her mind. Don’t blow this.


Latest Novel: The Wolf and the Lamb, a Biblical novel. Think The Chosen meets Ben-Hur.

Elevator pitch – A Jewish rebel learns that attempting to disappear with Barabbas’ lover to follow Jesus can be even more perilous than defying the Romans.

Thrillers: Also author of the The Scapegoat, the first thriller of the Billy Omaha series.

Who is Billy Omaha?

What’s in the duffel? Oh, just ten keys of cocaine, a gun and a box of ammo, and clothes that belonged to a dead police detective. Nothing interesting.

“Well,” Billy said with a frown. “I was just talking to that clerk over there…”

The officer didn’t budge. “ID, please.”

– The Scapegoat

Home of the Burning Bush Blogs

Equipping Men with Biblical Knowledge and Leadership Skills



All my life I’ve been told I should be studying God’s Word. Daily devotions, at a minimum. And to be a leader in the church and home.

I knew I should. But how? The Bible is… big. So what changed?

Click to open and read the story

Pastor Chuck Swindoll had signed his book on the cruise and strongly encouraged us to follow it. I resolved that I’d try. So when I got home, I put it on my nightstand. But the next few nights I was too tired. And then some other books got placed on top of it. Out of sight, out of mind.

One night I couldn’t sleep. Two in the morning. Three in the morning. Annoyed, I flicked on the light. Guess what book was on top of the stack on my nightstand? Yep. Searching the Scriptures, by Chuck Swindoll.

“How did that… Okay, fine, Lord. You win.” I finally cracked it open.

I’m not a big non-fiction reader, but the simplicity of his method intrigued me. I practiced some, but still lacked motivation.

Then the leaders of my adult Sunday-school class asked me to lead for a month. After faking confidence and agreeing, I dug in more to his book. The classes went better than expected. Over time, I’ve gotten better at facilitating them.

Eventually, thinking about men who might be like me, I hatched the idea of the Burning Bush blogs. Or more accurately, God hatched the idea.

Why Read the Burning Bush Blogs?

  • Fast, Free, Easy, and yes, interesting Bible studies, designed for men.
  • No prior Bible knowledge required; no homework.
  • Learn a simple 4-step process for studying Scripture without having to study the methodology.
  • Put an end to that self-conscious feeling that you don’t know as much of the Bible as the other guys in church.
Our Promises to You
  1. One question we’ll never ask: How does that make you feel?
  2. The 15 minute rule – Studies can be digested in 15 minutes or less. Sometimes you might want to dig deeper. But that’s on you 😎.
  3. Always free. We request that you subscribe to our newsletter.
  4. No homework.
  5. Interesting topics, designed for men, but good for everyone.
Categories of Studies
  1. Personal Studies – Start here, in the privacy of your home, or on your phone.
  2. Family Studies – Simple ideas for discussing a Bible story at the dinner table with your family. Put the phones down – these are actually fun and easy!
  3. Group Studies – Get a few guys together for a few minutes each night in your dorm or in a coffee shop and discuss fun topics like Meanest Women of the Bible or Scripture’s Significant Battles. These are easily adaptable for Sunday School or other environments.

Why Subscribe?

  • Free E-book and short stories.
  • Weekly notifications about the latest Burning Bush studies.
  • Free subscriber-only giveaways – charts, maps, and other deep dives. Without doing the dirty work, you can still impress the woman in your life.
  • Periodic newsletters about my mother’s favorite author. 😎
  • Let’s build a community of men wanting to improve their knowledge of Scripture and expand their leadership in the home and community.


I retired from software development at age 50, and studied writing under the mentorship of Jerry Jenkins, author of numerous New York Times bestsellers including the famous Left Behind series. I learned that I have a lot to learn!

I’m married, with no kids (unless you count a rambunctious black mouth cur), living in central Florida, close to the mouse ears, where I serve as a deacon and sometimes-sunday-school-leader in my local church.

More Stuff


I am the inventor of the BANAL concept (Blog About Nothing And Lists). Surprisingly informative! Top 6 Reasons to read a BANAL

No Clunker Reviews

I’ve reviewed some of my favorite novels under the recommendations section. It’s called recommendations and not reviews because I only discuss works that I especially like.

Looking for something less mainstream to read? Check out my suggestions!