Burning Bush Blogs

Equipping Men with Biblical Knowledge and Leadership Skills

Category: Group Study

Thread: Meanest Women of the Bible

Post Topic: Jezebel

Post in Thread: #1 (divided into 5 parts)

Scripture: I Kings 16:31 – I Kings 19:5

I Kings 21:1-23

2 Kings 9:30-37

[Ahab] also married Jezebel daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and began to serve Baal and worship him. 32 He set up an altar for Baal in the temple of Baal that he built in Samaria. 33 Ahab also made an Asherah pole and did more to arouse the anger of the Lord, the God of Israel, than did all the kings of Israel before him.

I Kings 16:31-33

Note – This story is divided into smaller sections in order to keep with the Burning Bush Blog’s pledge to produce less-demanding studies. But there is no right or wrong pace. Use in whatever manner works for you and your group.

Part 1 – Jezebel Battles Against Yahweh

Passages: I Kings 16:31-33, I Kings 17:1, I Kings 18:13

Key Verses:

…[Ahab] also married Jezebel daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and began to serve Baal and worship him…

I Kings 16:31

Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word.”

I Kings 17:1

“Haven’t you heard, my lord, what I did while Jezebel was killing the prophets of the Lord? I hid a hundred of the Lord’s prophets in two caves, fifty in each, and supplied them with food and water.” (Obadiah to Elijah)

I Kings 18:13



  • Idol worship by Israel’s neighbors had always affected Israel. King Solomon, the son of David, took many wives. They influenced him to permit worshiping other gods at the highest level.
  • King Ahab and Jezebel appeared on the scene about 100 years later, and it had gotten worse. Much worse.
  • In I Kings 16:25-26, we read of Ahab’s father, King Omri, who angered God by worshipping idols. Omri was considered the worst of all until Ahab took the throne.
  • Ahab didn’t suddenly turn bad when he married Jezebel. But she certainly didn’t help.


  • Sidon, the home of Jezebel, is a coastal city in modern-day Lebanon, north of Israel.
  • Samaria, where Ahab built a temple to Baal, was located in the hill country of Ephraim about 30+ miles north of Jerusalem.

Events – the unholy union

  • King Ahab marries Jezebel, the pagan daughter of the King of Sidon
  • Immediately, Jezebel persuades him to establish widespread worship of Baal and Asherah.
  • Jezebel brings 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah from Sidon, and they “eat at her table,: which means she provides for all their needs.
  • She floods Israel with pagan worship sites and begins the rituals of worship.

Events – the prophet and the drought

  • God sends the prophet Elijah to declare a drought until Ahab/Jezebel repent.
  • This is the first mention of Elijah in the Bible. He just appears on the scene, suddenly.
  • He declares that neither ran nor dew shall fall on the land until further notice.

Events – the reaction: rampage

  • Rather than repent, Jezebel goes on a rampage, killing God’s prophets.
  • Notice the Bible specifically says that Jezebel is the one killing God’s prophets, and not King Ahab.
  • A man named Obadiah (not the prophet Obadiah), who served the true God, was an official in Ahab’s court.
  • He hid God’s prophets from Jezebel in caves. He also snuck food to them during the drought.
  • What would Ahab have thought when this ragged prophet from the wilderness shows up with threats about a drought?
  • As the drought dragged on into its third year, why did Jezebel decide to kill God’s prophets? She could have repented, but seemed to think a better strategy was to completely defy God.
  • Like Adam standing by as Eve ate the forbidden fruit, Ahab did nothing. Why not?

Part 2 – Yahweh Embarrasses Jezebel

Passage: I Kings 18:16-46

Key Verses:

38 Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench.39 When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, “The Lord—he is God! The Lord—he is God!”

I Kings 18:38-39



  • Mt Carmel is a 20-mile mountain range in northwest Israel near the sea. It separates the Mediterranean Sea from the Jezreel Valley.
  • Thinking back to King Solomon, who began to permit idolatry: one of the high places he used for pagan worship was on Mt Carmel.
The view from Mt. Carmel

Events – The Prophet Bowl

  • Mt. Carmel hosted the showdown of the century: the world series of prophets. It was Wrestlemania, the Olympics, the Super Bowl, and the presidential debates all rolled into one massive event.
    • On one side, you have the challenger: Elijah, the lonely man of Yahweh with his aide.
    • On the other side, you have King Ahab and Jezebel’s men: the hundreds of prophets of Baal.
    • The spectators – thousands of Israelites lined the top of the mountain, curious to get a look at the hairy prophet of God who dared defy the king. Rumor has it, he’s the one who called for this drought.
      • Perhaps today would be the day the storm clouds would finally return. Surely today, Elijah will get what’s coming to him.
      • On the other hand, if it was Yahweh who really caused this lack of rain, then maybe we’re about to see a massive upset…
  • The priests of Baal go first. Their altar is ready, and they begin to pray to their gods.
    • Nothing happens. They scream, cut themselves, writhe on the ground, tear their clothes.
    • Hours pass with no fire.
    • Elijah mocks them.
      • Where is your god? Scream louder, maybe he can’t hear you.
      • Perhaps he’s on vacation. Keep trying.
      • I know, maybe he’s sleeping. Scream a bit louder and wake him up.
      • Is he using the latrine?
  • The crowd hushes as Elijah steps up to his broken down altar. What’s he doing?
    • Reverently, he repairs the altar, using 12 stones, one for each of the tribes of Israel.
    • Elijah douses the altar and the sacrifices with water. Is he nuts?
    • Elijah motions to the opponent. They dig trenches, and bring up buckets of water from the nearby river. The trenches are filled.
    • Elijah lifts up a simple prayer to the one true God.
    • The fire of the Lord falls from heaven! The entire altar is burnt to crisp. Even the water in the trenches is licked up by the intense flame.
  • The people go wild, praising the God of Abraham.
  • Elijah commands them to seize and kill Jezebel’s evil prophets of Baal.


Part 3 – Jezebel Swears Revenge

Passage: I Kings 19:1-9

Key Verses:

Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.” Elijah was afraid and ran for his life…

I Kings 19:1-3




  • Ahab goes crying back to Jezebel about the massive failure of her god, and the death of her prophets.
  • Does Jezebel repent? Nope. She swears to Elijah that she’s going to have him killed.
  • Elijah runs for his life, getting as far away as he can.
  • Despondent to the point of wanting to die, he is ministered to by an angel.
  • Do you think Ahab emphasized the power of the one true God to Jezebel? Or did he blame everything on that mean prophet Elijah?
  • How would you have broken the news that all her prized prophets were dead? If you’re married, how do you break bad news to your spouse?
  • I wonder if Ahab was actually a bit scared of her…

Part 4 – Treacherous Scheming

Passage: I Kings 21:5-16

Key Verses:

 Jezebel his wife said, “Is this how you act as king over Israel? Get up and eat! Cheer up. I’ll get you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.”

I Kings 21:7



  • Ahab is pouting like a baby because Naboth refused to sell his vineyard, which Ahab coveted.
  • Jezebel notices he isn’t sleeping or eating and gets Ahab to tell her what’s wrong.
  • She arranges a day of fasting for the people to gather with the elders, and with Naboth present.
  • She hires lying “scoundrels” to falsely testify that Naboth has cursed God and king.
    • She instructs them to seat Naboth at a seat of honor.
    • Then, during the ceremony, she has them make the accusation.
  • Naboth is declared a traitor and stoned.
  • The vineyard becomes the property of the reigning monarch, whose wife is none other than Jezebel.
  • What was the real motivation for Ahab’s sulking and not eating in Jezebel’s precense?
  • Do you think Jezebel was irritated with Ahab for his depending on her to do his dirty work? Did she show respect when she implied he was a weak king, so oh well, okay, I will get it for you?
  • Did this couple know any degree of happiness with each other?

Part 5 – Rebellious to the End

Passage: II Kings 9:30-37

Key Verse:

36 They went back and told Jehu, who said, “This is the word of the Lord that he spoke through his servant Elijah the Tishbite: On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs will devour Jezebel’s flesh. 37 Jezebel’s body will be like dung on the ground in the plot at Jezreel, so that no one will be able to say, ‘This is Jezebel.’”

II Kings 9:36-37



  • Back in I Kings 21, Elijah had confronted Ahab over his wickedness in the affair over Naboth’s vineyard. In I Kings 21:23, he specifically prophesied that dogs would devour Jezebel by the walls of Jezreel, just as dogs had licked up the blood of Naboth.
  • Jehu had been anointed king of Israel by the prophet Elisha (Elijah’s successor). Before going to find Jezebel, he had slain her son Jorab, the previous king, in the same field that had been stolen from Naboth.


  • When Jezebel sees Jehu approaching, she knows why he is there.
    • Her reaction? She fixes her hair and puts on makeup.
    • She calls out an insult to Jehu, calling him Zimri, a king who had taken the throne violently, but reigned for only seven days before he was also overthrown.
  • Eunuchs turn on her, and throw her from a wall in the royal stables.
  • As her blood spatters the walls, horses trample her.
  • Jehu ends the life of Jezebel ten years after Ahab’s death in a battle against Ramoth-Gilead.
  • After having lunch, Jehu and his men go to bury the woman, but dogs have enjoyed lunch also.
  • Elijah’s prophecy about the woman who would defy Yahweh to the end, have come true.

Bible study methodology adapted from Searching the Scriptures with permission from Tyndale House:

Swindoll, Charles, Searching the Scriptures. Tyndale House Publishers, 2016.

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