Burning Bush Templates

Equipping Men with Biblical Knowledge and Leadership Skills

Personal Studies

Short topics, designed for men who are new to the habit of studying Scripture

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Burning Bush Studies

Studies designed to engage men:

Family Studies

Family dinner-table discussions. One topic; Pick one interactive prompt or question.

  • David and Goliath – what is courage?
    • Day 1 – Stalemate
    • Day 2 – David Arrives
    • Day 3 – David Reacts
    • Day 4 – David Volunteers
    • Day 5 – David Advances
    • Day 6 – David Slays
  • Adam and Eve- what is sin?
    • Day 1 – Adam Placed in the Garden
    • Day 2 – Adam Needs a Helper
    • Day 3 – Hello, Eve!
    • Day 4 – Forbidden Tree
    • Day 5 – Saddest Day Ever
    • Day 6 – Goodbye Garden
  • John 3:16
    • Read the first 3 verses (John 3:1-3). What does it mean to be “born again?”
    • How do you get eternal life?
  • The fall of Jericho
    • March around the table 6 times quietly. Then shout on the 7th trip and attack Mom!
  • The Golden Calf
    • Moses was gone 40 days. What would you have thought?
    • Pretend you are Aaron and the people are yelling at you to make an idol.
    • You are Joshua. Moses just smashed the 10 commandments. What do you say to him?
    • God allowed Aaron to be high priest after this. Do we learn from our mistakes and become better?
  • Prodigal Son
    • What sins did the son commit at the start of the story?
    • Do you think the two brothers ever forgave each other? Will you always forgive your siblings?
    • If you ran away, would Mom and Dad take you back? Would they throw a party for you?
  • Thief on the cross (make sure it’s age-appropriate for your family)
    • Is it fair that one thief went to heaven? They both lived bad lives.
    • If you were Barabbas, and the two thieves were your friends, what would you think of Jesus hanging on your cross?

Men’s Groups

Unique series of topics designed to intrigue and engage men. You can do it!

  • Significant battles, and their impact on God’s plan
    • Abraham rescues Lot
    • The Fall of Jericho
    • Samuel and the Philistines and the Ark
    • Saul liberates Jabesh from brutal Ammonites; cements kingship (I Samuel 11)
    • David invades Jerusalem
    • Pharaoh Necho kills King Josiah
    • Hezekiah rebuffs Assyrians
    • Nebuchadnezzar sacks Jerusalem
    • Persians invade Babylon
    • Rome puts down revolt in Palestine as predicted by Jesus
  • The Bible’s meanest women
  • Archaeology and the Bible
  • God’s unfolding plan
    • God dwells with mankind
  • Men who failed, and why
  • The Bible and slavery
    • The runaway slave Philemon
    • OT slavery laws
  • What’s with the snake on the pole in the wilderness?
  • Reluctant leaders
  • Little-known Bible characters who changed the world
    • Naboth
    • Abigail
    • Ehud
    • King Hezekiah
    • The Adulteress
    • Paul’s Nephew
    • Egyptian Princess
    • Josiah
    • Malchus
  • The Chosen controversial scenes analysis
  • Fulfilled prophecy from Isaiah 53
  • Put yourself in their shoes
  • Emotional expressions by men of the Bible
  • The Roman empire and Palestine
  • Who was Judas? Why did he betray Jesus?
  • Did a donkey just talk?
  • Nebuchadnezzar’s statue
  • Dealing with depression – examples from Scripture
  • Hard questions about God (beyond the personal study)
  • Answering questions from The Wolf and the Lamb